Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Well here it is....The Pregnancy Rant!

Hello Friends and Follower,

I wanted to recap with everyone and let my followers know how I have been feeling lately. So here it goes... As everyone knows I am almost to my third trimester of pregnancy and let me tell you its the greatest feeling in the world to be carrying a beautiful child but I can't help at times to feel just so "massive". My life lately has changed both good and bad, as we all know my weight issues haven't completely vanished. I knew it may be a hard transition from working out and eating right every day for a year and half to starting to gain weight and give in to the cravings. No book or other person's story can really tell you about how you will feel about yourself while pregnant, I am finding myself doing bad self talk again and I hate it!! I am seeing myself as if I am as big as whale and thinking that my husband and friends and family must think  I look terrible when in reality they haven't really said anything except positive things. IT'S JUST ME!!! Sometimes I wish the little low self esteem voice would just STFU! 

I have these worries that I will become an overweight mom and its very scary to me. I am trying not to lose hope and the drive that  I once had just a few months ago prior to getting pregnant. I know once Isabella arrives it will be hard to go to the gym but my husband always reassures me that since we have the Wii Fit I can at least try to do some when she is sleeping in the comfort of my own home. My obgyn- Dr. Newman says Isabella and I are very healthy despite my history of hypertension- which my blood pressure is still elevated but we are trying to manage as much as possible. In four weeks I will go for my glucose test = which is basically the test to see if we are diabetic. I have been gaining about 2 pounds per week starting at my second trimester and so far a total of 15-16 pounds have been gained, they are actually telling me I am under weight! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? I sure can't! LOL - I hate when strangers just stare at my belly because they are trying to determine if I am FAT or Pregnant...Some days I feel like screaming - YES I AM PREGNANT PEOPLE!!! Or most recently I have been called " huge" on at least three occasions, people don't realize that words can really affect a person! Everyone says to ignore them but in reality its not easy to just simply ignore it. I try my best and my normal response is well she is a growing healthy baby!

I just want to thank my family for being supportive and most importantly my husband Eddie- he is just so great to me and that is something  I am very thankful for! I don't want my followers thinking I hate pregnancy because that is not  that case at all I just can get in my weight ruts and its sucks- I know we all have our days but its important to have a good support system to reassure us that we are not alone on the journey.

Here are some recent photos of the baby bump!!!

Thanks for listening to the pregnant rant!!!!


Ashley M.


  1. Ash,

    everyone has their own insecurities and I have told you this many times. You are beautiful every way and nothing is more precious then the gift you and Eddie have created. Nothing is ever easy in life and those who say the things they do are only living their life to bring other people down. I love you and even though its hard at times I couldn't be happier that you have overcome so much. Isabella will be here soon enough and you can go back into your routine. Hell, I will even join you. I love you, stay strong and always know that you have so many people who love and support you and thats all that matters <3

  2. have to say your so dang cute =-) and you will go back to your healthy eating habits want to know how I know its because of YOU! You are concerned and therefore I know you will if you weren't concerned then you wouldn't go back but you are and that my dear is one step.
