Monday, September 19, 2011

Day # 355 ....

Hello Friends and Followers! Whew....I've made it to day 355, almost at that one year mark. I am absolutely shocked that I 've been so motivated to do this. Last week, was a rough week for me emotionally I experienced some unexpected events and occurances which lead me back to "bad eating" habits. I either was too upset to eat or I simply didn't acknowledge what I was doing. However, I have caught it before it spun out of control. I know we all have bad days, weeks and months but its about reverting back to what you learned and following through. Having PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) from being in an abusive relationship in my past I've learned that there will be moments of vunerability and feelings of unsureness. I have been able to deal with things over this last year much differently than in my past events. I've learned that people will always be people and you need to surround yourself with positive and upbeat individuals. I've cut out the dead weight that has been hindering my process through life and sad to say I've realized who hasn't been a friend and I've had to remove those people from life. Some say I'm being childish for simply removing them from my life but I say I am taking charge for the first time and it simply feels great. I feel no one should tolerate abuse in any sort. Abuse can come in many forms it doesn't always have to be from a significant other. I've learned that over time I've settled for abuse from many walks of life and I will tolerate it no more. Some people say "they don't like the person i've become" my response to that is well I am still ME....I'm just now a stronger person both mentally, physically and emotionally. Many times people feel threatend when you take stands against something or stand up for yourself. I am not here to threaten anyone I am simply here saying I WILL NOT TOLERATE ABUSE FROM ANYONE, because I LOVE MYSELF TOO MUCH! For my supporters, all I can say is that YOU ARE SIMPLY AMAZING PEOPLE , You have shown me what LIFE truely is and its so WORTH living to your fullest capability. I know I am not a size 2 or even a size 8 yet but one day soon I will make it there. For now I am a size 12 and I'm not going to settle or stop there,  I will keep progressing forward because life doesn't stop for anyone. Remember that you are worth it, your worth saving yourself from abuse and obesisty. Take a stand for something and always stick up for yourself.

Thanks for reading, following and sharing my journey!!!
Ashley M.


  1. ROCK ON YOU!!!!!!! Wow! I cant wait to see your before and after pics! You must feel AMAZING!!!!

  2. Ashley,

    I have to give you a ton of credit for sharing your terrible experience with abuse. I also appreciate your statement about different types of abuse. Honestly I feel the mental is much more damaging than the physical because it's long lasting effects. Being obese my entire life, I have had to endure mental abuse about my weight. I am happy to report I have confronted my mental issues and this is why I know I will lose this weight once and for all. You are a TRUE INSPIRATION to so many people and we are all lucky to have you in our lives.

    Your friend,

    Rob G

  3. Great inspiring post! You give me incentive to quit smoking, I've been emotionally abused for years and just smoke for an outlet, but have to quit.
    Keep up the good work!!
    Lori Vernier

  4. You have always been an inspiration to me as well as many others, some things you have done in the past I have not been happy about, but you know this because I've been right in your ear telling you that. You have come so far not only in your weight loss journey but as a person as well. I have known you for over 10 years & you have always helped everyone around you. I am happy that you have finally putting yourself first & are truly & simply just doing you. I know that on this journey you will get to where you want to be because you have that much will & dedication. I love you douchebag always & forever!!!

    Keep it up!
    Nikki Parker :)
