Things to do after an unexpected binge:
- Don’t starve yourself. Make sure to eat. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but fasting after a binge will only make you severely hungry, which can easily lead to another binge. When you’re hungry again, eat. If you binged at night, start fresh by giving yourself a healthy breakfast. Stick to clean, whole foods (sugar free if you can) and drink lots of water. You can’t change the past, but you can prepare for your present and future by feeding yourself whole, healthy foods to prevent a future binge.
- Forgive yourself. Trying to starve yourself the next day is a sneaky way to try and get away with bingeing, to “make up” for your slip – “I’m going to make up for yesterday by not eating today.” Instead, admit you made a mistake. Forgive yourself. Be very, very kind to yourself: Beating yourself up or criticizing yourself won’t make you change.
- Give yourself self acceptance. It’s easy to offer yourself approval when you’re on your “best” behavior. But what about when you’ve been overeating? Do you offer yourself love and support at those times, as well? That’s when it’s most important.
- When you’re ready, examine what happened. Binges are great learning opportunities. Try and examine what was going on: how were you feeling beforehand? What thoughts were running through your head? Write about the event and see if you can make sense of it. This can help you prepare for the next time. Think of how you can support yourself next time so that
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